Welcome to the Princeton Elks National Veterans Service Commission's page. In each of the 172 VA Medical Centers there is an Elk committee at work. Literally, thousands of Elks and their families give generously of their time, energy and resources so that the lives of our ill and aging veterans will be enhanced. Hundreds of thousands of hours and like numbers of dollars are devoted to programs that are designed to keep us true to our pledge:”So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them. “And now we've broadened our program to include outpatients and veterans who are homeless.
The Princeton Elks are involved on a daily basis within our communities helping veterans in need and providing comfort to the families of servicemen who are injured or killed in the line of duty. Additionally we commit our efforts to assisting veterans in need by providing necessary items, companionship, opportunities for social activities and subsidies to families in need.
Our goal is to make the Elks the most visible force in voluntary service to our veterans.
Thank You,
Tim McDonald and Gary Allen
Veterans Service Committee Chairmen
The Princeton Elks are involved on a daily basis within our communities helping veterans in need and providing comfort to the families of servicemen who are injured or killed in the line of duty. Additionally we commit our efforts to assisting veterans in need by providing necessary items, companionship, opportunities for social activities and subsidies to families in need.
Our goal is to make the Elks the most visible force in voluntary service to our veterans.
Thank You,
Tim McDonald and Gary Allen
Veterans Service Committee Chairmen